Are Plaintiffs’ Lawyers and Prosecutors Best Friends?

You would think that plaintiffs' lawyers (read: the attorneys for victims) and prosecutors (read: the government attorneys who punish bad guys) would always be on the same side. After all, both seek to hold wrongdoers accountable for actions that harm people in the community. In an ideal world, when a drunk driver hits someone, the...

Texas Texting Ban May Help Victims, But Not the Way You Think It Will

In September 2017, the Lone Star State implemented a new law that bans texting while driving. The number of people I've seen glancing down at their laps on the tollway suggests these new rules haven't soaked in just yet. Even if the fines don't persuade drivers to put down their phones, though, our lawyers argue...

How Do We Legally Express What Is Wrong?

I recently read a shocking news story about a lawsuit alleging that a Taco Bell employee poured boiling water on two customers. I suspect most people feel that a lawsuit under these circumstances is completely justified. If the allegations are true, then no person in their right mind doesn't want to see the wrongdoer punished....

Is Texas Common Law Marriage Actually “Common Law”?

You have probably heard the term "Common Law Marriage" and vaguely know that after living together for several years two people could be considered legally married. However, it is not that simple. A common law marriage is still a legal union and as such there are three requirements that must be met: However, despite its...

Q&A: Traumatic Brain Injury Truck Accident Case Resolution with Attorney Michael Grossman

Over the last 30 years, the science of brain injuries, particularly concussions, advanced tremendously. In prior generations, a person may have "had their bell rung" and been told to "tough it up," but now we know that even "minor" brain injuries have serious consequences. I sat down with award-winning truck accident injury attorney Michael Grossman...

What are Reporters Missing About the 6 x Fatal 133-Car- Pile-Up in Fort Worth, TX

To say that the Thursday, February 11, 2021 133-car-pile-up on I-35W in Fort Worth, Texas received a lot of media coverage is an understatement. Hundreds of articles and dozens of videos of the incident litter the internet. We know that the following people died in the crash: Aaron Luke Watson, 45, Fort Worth, TXTiffany Louann...

Why Are There Lawsuits After the Jacksonville, FL Madden Shooting?

Very few people are likely surprised that news reports surfaced that one of the victims of Sunday's shooting at a Madden NFL 19 tournament retained an attorney who plans to file a lawsuit on their client's behalf. For those who didn't hear what happened, here's a quick recap. A 24-year-old competitor lost in a video...

Is Viva Tacoland Partly Liable for Its Employee’s Alleged Crime?

According to San Antonio news outlets, a bartender at the Viva Tacoland bar stands accused of "spiking" the drinks of two female patrons of the bar on March 25. 30-year-old Dillonger Hackett was arrested on Monday April 23 for allegedly drugging the shots and then accompanying the intoxicated women to their nearby hotel, where they...

Haeger Revisited: Faulty Goodyear Tires and the Statute of Repose

Recently the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) opened a preliminary investigation into the field performance of tire manufacturer Goodyear line of "G159" model tires. According to records that were ordered unsealed by a judge last year, the tires--often used on motor homes despite being unfit for the purpose--may have caused wrecks that injured or...

Nope, Attorneys Aren’t Out to Get You…Unless You Do Something Awful

There's a pervasive legal myth in a large portion of the American public, which leads people to believe that they're just one bad situation away from losing everything they own to an unscrupulous attorney's ridiculous lawsuit. This idea cuts across all levels of the income spectrum. People, regardless of their means, genuinely believe that a...

Why Are People Suing the Makers of Invokana?

I'm sure we've all seen or heard ads with a stern-voiced lawyerly looking actor telling us about the dangers of a particular drug. They're pretty standard fare on mid-afternoon and late-night television. In recent months, a slew of ads targeting the drug Invokana, a diabetes medication, aired on stations around the country. These commercials usually...

Do I Sue the Trucking Company or the Truck Driver?

Recently, I read about a truck accident that took place up in Hartley County, Texas. An 18-wheeler, driven by Keldrick Chappell of Dallas, 40, allegedly sideswiped a passenger car driven by Stanley Smith, 78. Mr. Smith reportedly died from injuries sustained in the accident. As much as the accident report, it caught my eye when...

How Does Suing Amtrak Work?

In the wake of the deadly Amtrak trail derailment Tuesday, December 19th, near Dupont, Washington, a lot of people are pretty ticked off with Amtrak. The accident left 3 people dead. They are Jim Hamre, 61, Zack Wilhoite, 35, and Benjamin Gran, 40. In addition, nearly 100 people suffered injuries, which varied greatly in their...

Why Aren’t Drunk Drivers Charged With Murder?

Drunk driving is a terrible crime. Unsuspecting victims are hurt and killed every day by this all-too-familiar pattern: Someone is over-served, stumbles out to his car to go home, and plows into another vehicle or pedestrian to dire effect. If a police investigation proves that the intoxicated driver was responsible for hurting someone, that driver...

Astronaut Mark Kelly Doesn’t Seem to Understand How The Law Works

In a recent interview, astronaut turned political activist Mark Kelly sat down with a reporter from Politico to talk about gun regulations. Specifically, Mr. Kelly spoke of the need for tighter restrictions on guns in order to prevent gun violence. When the conversation eventually arrived at the topic of those pesky Republicans in Congress, who...