The Cliché “Lawsuit Type” Is a Bad and Harmful Misconception.
When people are injured by negligence--by an auto accident or a malfunctioning product, or while on a dangerous property, to name but a few possibilities--they reach out to us to learn about their rights and what they should do next. We welcome their calls, of course, but when we talk to them one puzzling refrain...
Are “Not Responsible for Broken Windshield” Signs Legally Enforceable? Not a Chance
As long as the law has existed, there have been the twin impulses to find legal ways to get around it and to use the protections of law as a shield against other legal actions. This could rightly be termed a quest for technicalities. A great example of this is that it is well-known that...
There is No Such Thing as an Accident Caused by Fog
It may be fashionable to criticize the media at this particular moment, and I loathe jumping on that bandwagon, but contrary to popular belief a lot of bad reporting isn't the result of the reporter's ideological bias. From what I can tell, a large swath of bad reporting is because the reporter who has no...
Walk the Line: Pedestrians and the Texas Transportation Code
Texas is a pretty driving-intensive state, given its span of almost 270,000 square miles. Texans are used to sort of sprawling out horizontally, which means a lot of vehicular travel to get from living space to work space to activities and leisure destinations. That said, we're not without our share of pedestrians. They're not as...
Attorneys Indicted for $6 Million Porn-Piracy Extortion Scam
Ingenuity is by its nature the idea of approaching an issue in a novel manner. The ability to creatively solve problems is invaluable. To take a perpendicular approach to a matter that has stymied traditional methods is sometimes the only way to solve it. Unfortunately, people perceive "problems" differently; for instance, two attorneys recently decided...
Once, Twice, Three Sips a Criminal in Texas?
I had an odd experience a couple of weeks ago. I met up with a friend at a bar, which was moderately crowded. There were some open seats, but they were all bunched too close to people and other groups for me to feel comfortable grabbing one. Doing what any reasonable person would do, I...
Myth: Insurance Carriers MUST Pay Accident Victims
The first thing you should know is that auto insurance DOESN'T work the way you think it does. We hear from people who have been involved in car accidents almost every day, and one thing they all seem to have in common is that they think, if the accident wasn't their fault, that the other...
Debunking the Myth that Pedestrians Always Have the Right of Way
The belief that pedestrians always have the right of way on roadways has always been false, yet it's something that most people still believe to this day. Even though pedestrians don't, in fact, always have the right of way, there are many instances where they do. Hopefully, the next few paragraphs will help clear up...
Myth: Most Lawsuits Are Frivolous
It's not exactly news that some people don't like lawyers. Actually, depending on whom you ask, lots of people don't like lawyers. One of the biggest reasons for that is the perception that many lawyers make money not by pursuing honest claims against those who've done wrong, but by waging endless frivolous lawsuits for personal...