Another Way to Think About Stowers Doctrine – The Bodyguard Analogy
We recently got an email from a law student named Mary R. who wanted to know more about Stowers Doctrine. She asked: My Bar Program did not mention the Stower's doctrine, but I remember my professor mentioning it a couple of semesters ago. I would like to know if this is only for third party...
Insurance Providers May Deny Your Claim if You Admit to Speeding
Personally, I have not spoken to a single person in my whole life that doesn't speed. Sure there are some folks blatantly going 20 to 30 miles over the speed limit, but most people only go about 5 to 10 miles faster. People driving 20 to 40 miles above the speed limit know what they...
What Do I Do If a Uber or Lyft Driver Hits Me?
Ridesharing services such as Uber and Lyft are a fact of life in many areas. Given the rideshare company's recent arrival on the scene and its unconventional business model, many questions arise from crashes involving a rideshare driver. What happens if a rideshare driver hits you? Who is a fault, the ridesharing company or the...
It’s 2020: Why Doesn’t Texas Require Bars to Carry Liquor Liability Insurance?
Texas lawmakers and the public have to make a choice. Drunk driving accidents not only kill and maim, but they leave tremendous financial devastation in their wake. As a community, we must decide who bears that cost. Should drunk drivers and lawbreaking bars pay or victims and the general public? The answer seems obvious to me.
If South Carolina Can Mandate Liquor Liability Insurance, Why Can’t Texas?
Good news, South Carolinians! Legislators in your state passed a law in June requiring bars and restaurants that sell alcohol past 5 p.m. to have liability insurance policies of at least $1 million. Under the new law, these businesses will need to show proof of such a policy before they are able to obtain or...
How Do I Discover the Other Driver’s Insurance Policy Limits?
I've learned over the years that the quickest way to make people's eyes glaze over is to either discuss evidentiary rules in Texas courts or to talk about insurance. Despite being a topic that doesn't make people scream, "Oh, tell me more," following a fatal accident, knowing how insurance works is crucial to the surviving...
Don’t Think Insurance Companies Deny Legitimate Claims? Think Again.
You may have noticed that we have mentioned once or twice (or a thousand times) that you cannot count on an insurance company to do the right thing when you have been injured in an accident. Usually, we are asking you to take our word for it, but this time we can show you exactly...
Myth: Insurance Carriers MUST Pay Accident Victims
The first thing you should know is that auto insurance DOESN'T work the way you think it does. We hear from people who have been involved in car accidents almost every day, and one thing they all seem to have in common is that they think, if the accident wasn't their fault, that the other...