Are Road Conditions Really to Blame for My 18-Wheeler Accident?

How do road conditions impact a truck accident case? Trucking companies often like to downplay their liability by trying to blame a crash on road conditions, rather than their driver's negligence. Why do trucking companies try to blame road conditions? Well, put simply, they do so because don't want to compensate you for your injuries...

What Are the Common Trucking Company Defense Arguments?

Truck Accident Defenses: How the Trucking Company Fights Back In 25 years of litigating cases, we've never seen a trucking company voluntarily admit fault. Defense lawyers who represent trucking companies are, to put it mildly, not paid to find the truth. They are paid to defend the trucking company, even from claims where they know...

Do I Have to Prove My Losses in a Commercial Truck Accident Lawsuit?

How We Prove Your Losses in a Truck Accident Case Truck accident cases play out in several phases. First, our attorneys gather evidence to learn what happened, and then we use the evidence to prove the defendant is at fault. But once we establish the defendant's liability, the next step to winning your truck accident...

Do I Need Testimony From an Economist in a Truck Accident Case?

How can the expert witness testimony of an economist can help demonstrate the value of your case to a jury? Winning an accident lawsuit against a trucking company is a trying, challenging ordeal. The best way to make the process as easy as possible is to stack the cards early in your favor. One way...

How Does a Lawyer Prove a Trucking Company Is Liable for an Accident?

Truck accident cases never settle because a trucking company decides to do the right thing and pay fair compensation to their victims. The only thing that makes them pay for their misconduct is either a jury verdict against them or the fear that a jury will rule against them. As such, your case must be...

How Can Depositions Make or Break My Commercial Truck Accident Case?

How Depositions Work in a Truck Accident Case We've all seen movies and television shows where witnesses are placed on the stand in a courtroom, and, through piercing questions delivered by the attractive lawyer, they admit to all the bad things they've done. Unfortunately, Hollywood isn't always an accurate representation of how the court system...

How Can a Truck Driver’s Past Medical Info Help My Case?

A Truck Driver's Medical Records Can Be a Vital Source of Evidence in a Commercial Vehicle Accident Lawsuit. Commercial trucking companies owe a duty to all of us to make sure that their drivers do not pose a danger on the highway. A serious risk is posed by truckers who drive while suffering from certain...

How Do I Obtain a Trucking Companies Maintenance Records after an Accident?

After a truck accident, you need the truck's maintenance records. Many truck accidents are caused by a mechanical failure, such as a tire blowout, brake failure, or an engine stall that leaves the truck blocking a roadway. Naturally, when such an accident occurs, one of the most important pieces of evidence in the ensuing case...

How Can My Lawyer Use Cell Phone Data in My Truck Accident Case?

How to use cell phone and electronic data in a truck accident case By now, most people know that using their cell phone while at the wheel is dangerous. When the driver is at the helm of an 80,000 pound truck, the consequences can be even more catastrophic than they are when a passenger car...

Can Truck Driver Drug & Alcohol Test Results Be Used as Evidence?

How Drug Tests For Truck Drivers Are Supposed to Work. Our experience has shown us that in many cases of truck drivers causing accidents, alcohol or drugs have been an influence. According to federal regulations, all trucking companies are required to submit employees who have a commercial driver's license (CDL) to random drug and alcohol...

How Does Witness Testimony in a Texas Truck Accident Case?

How Witness Testimony Works in Truck Accident Cases Perhaps no part of the criminal justice system is more distorted by our media than witness testimony. We have all seen our favorite Perry Mason, Matlock, or Law and Order attorney get someone on the stand who does not want to talk and catch them in a...

How Is Criminal Case Evidence Used in a Civil Lawsuit?

How a truck driver's pending criminal case affects a truck accident lawsuit: Many commercial vehicle accidents are followed by the police arresting the driver. If you have been injured in such an accident, this is great news on two levels. Not only is the driver who injured being held accountable by the criminal justice system,...

Why Is Evidence and Investigation So Important to a Truck Accident Case?

How to Investigate a Truck Accident Case - The Definitive Guide It's common to think of commercial truck accidents in simplistic terms: truck A runs a stop sign and crashes into car B. However deceptively intuitive such a scenario may be, the resulting accident litigation that is likely to occur will be quite technical in...

How is ECM (Black Box) Data Used in a Truck Accident Case?

Most 18-wheelers built since the 1990's have Engine Control Modules (ECMs), "black boxes" of a sort that record electronic data from various parts of the trucks during both standard operations and, in many cases, the times before and during a crash. But how exactly can ECM data help with a truck accident lawsuit? Answer: By...

How Does Spoliation of Evidence Work?

The Importance of a Spoliation of Evidence Letter in a Truck Accident Case Just about every business, whether large or small, keeps and maintains business records and other documents. Business documents can come in many forms such as company manuals, emails, logs, spreadsheets, employee files, etc. Trucking companies are no different. They collect a host...

Are Police Reports Overrated as Evidence In Truck Accident Cases?

How police reports affect a truck accident case We get calls all the time about people who have been involved in accidents with 18-wheelers. Many of these people are certain that the truck driver was completely at fault, and all they have to do is wait for the police report to validate their case. But...

What Role Do Unqualified Drivers Play in Truck Accidents?

Unqualified Truckers Cause Accidents on the Road - an Attorney's Perspective In our 25 years of working for truck accident victims, we've seen a sharp rise in accidents involving unqualified drivers. Below, we'll explain the different ways a commercial truck driver can be unqualified, and, how to prove a driver's lack of qualification after a...

How Often Do Drunk Truck Drivers Cause Truck Accidents?

Was your truck accident caused by a drunk truck driver? Attorney Michael Grossman can help. No one needs to be told that drunk driving is incredibly reckless behavior, endangering the lives of not only the intoxicated driver, but every other innocent person who has to share the road with them. If the message somehow hasn't...

How Often Do Truck Drivers on Drugs Cause Truck Accidents?

Accidents Caused by Truck Drivers on Drugs: What the Law Says We don't expect truck drivers to be perfect. However, we feel nothing but anger when we find out that a driver was high on drugs when he caused an accident. Many truck drivers work long hours, are away from their families and friends for...

How Does Loose or Dangerous Cargo Contribute to Truck Accidents?

Truck Accidents Caused by Unsecured Cargo After a serious tractor-trailer accident, most folks tend to blame the driver of the semi-truck by default. Because he was driving and became involved in an accident, they assume he must have done something wrong. However, some accidents may occur without any real fault on the driver's part if...