What Is the Play by Play Breakdown of a Car Accident Case?

The Best Way to Understand the Car Accident Lawsuit Process is a Play-by-play Description: The following information will outline the approach that we will take in your car accident case from start to finish. Determining how your car accident case will play out largely depends on two factors: The severity of your injuries, and: The...

How Do I File a Car Wreck Lawsuit in Texas?

Filing a Lawsuit In a Texas Car Accident Case - An Overview. Not all car accident cases can be settled out of court. Those that cannot be settled are litigated. The term "litigation" refers to process of filing suit and taking a case partially or fully through the court system. In this article, we will...

What Does Litigation and Discovery Mean In a Car Accident Case?

Here are the steps involved when we actually step into a court room to fight for your compensation. After you have fulfilled the first step of a car accident case and contacted an attorney to represent you, we will then begin the process of building your claim. When a lawsuit is filed in your car...

How Does Car Accident Mediation Work?

How Car Accident Mediation Works Mediation is a day-long event wherein both parties to a lawsuit present to a "mediator" a summary of the evidence they intend to use in a trial. A mediator is an unbiased third party whose job it is to review all the evidence presented and hear all the arguments made...

Will Prior Arrests and Citations Affect My Car Accident Case?

If the driver that struck you was cited or arrest, that is a good thing. But it certainly isn't the end of your fight. When police decide that the other driver was at fault, that's good news for your case. In a perfect world, all you'd have to do is submit the police report to...

How Do I Dispute an Inaccurate Police Report?

Sometimes the cops get it wrong. Here's what to do when a police report says you're at fault. If you have been in an accident, your natural inclination ought to be to call the police and have a report made. But what if the police report says that you were at fault? This article will...

What Is the Proper Way to Investigate A Car Wreck?

The proper way for an attorney to investigate a car accident case: A couple of weeks ago our firm was contacted by the family of a man who was killed while trying to cross a street. His family lived out of state and the only thing they could learn about the accident was what was...

Should My Attorney Investigate the Defendant?

After a car accident, the best attorneys conduct the best research to help you win. The facts and circumstances regarding the accident are obviously a large part of a car accident case. But, to really get the results you want, you need to know as much about the driver that hit you as possible. The...

What Information is in a Texas Police Accident Report?

What Makes up an Accident Report and Why is it Important to My Accident Injury Case? Everyone is at least vaguely familiar with what a police report is, but most people are not aware of what information is contained in police report and they do not understand the purpose of the document. While some aspects...

Should I Wait for a Police Report or Call a Lawyer?

Waiting for the police report before talking to a lawyer is a bad idea. Here's why that is: When you are in a car accident, it is important to know what to do immediately after, especially if you plan on taking legal action for any personal injury or property damage that you have suffered. And...

Can I File a Car Accident Claim Without A Police Report?

No Need to Wait for a Police Report to Start Your Case Not at a day goes by at our firm without a prospective client asking the question, "Can I get started on my case now or do we have to wait for the police report to be finalized?" The answer to this question is...

How Do I Fill Out a Texas Blue Form (CR-2) Crash Report?

In the state of Texas, there are a few procedural steps you are legally required to take after a car accident, including filing out the appropriate forms. The Texas Driver's Crash Report (CR-2), which is commonly known as the "Blue Form," used to be one such requirement. Most people first learn about the Blue Form...

How Does Fault in Car Accidents Caused by Roadway Conditions Work?

Under Texas law, who is liable for car accidents caused by road defects (pot holes, improper signage, etc.)? Perhaps the most catastrophic road defect in recent memory was the 2007 I-35 bridge collapse in Minnesota, which killed 13 motorists and injured almost 150 more. In the aftermath of that tragedy, Minnesota ended up paying more...

Who Is Liable for Accidents Caused by Malfunctioning Cars?

Who's liable when a malfunctioning car causes a car accident. Most of us have had some sort of car trouble from time to time. Generally, it's just an annoyance---your car won't start or you have a tire go flat. But it can become dangerous, even deadly, when a car malfunctions out in traffic. Below, we'll...

What Is Negligent Entrustment of a Motor Vehicle?

Letting A Potentially Dangerous Driver Borrow A Vehicle Is Negligent Entrustment In Texas. The law usually holds people responsible for their own direct actions. For example, if a husband and wife own a car and the husband gets arrested for drunk driving, the wife isn't also sent to jail. But under certain circumstances in car...

How Does Liability for Employees and Company Cars Work?

How Liability Works For Accidents Involving Company Vehicles. Many of the clients that we've helped over 30 years have been injured by employees while they were in the performance of their job. There is an important distinction to be made to between a regular commuter on their way to work and, say, a delivery driver,...

How Do Car Accident Cases Caused by Street Racing Work?

Street racing often leads to car accidents, which is negligence per se in the eyes of the law. We get it: fast cars are fun and so is racing. But doing so on the street is a horrible idea for all of the obvious reasons. Texas lawmakers agree, and they have thusly passed legislation that...

What Do I Do When the Driver Who Hit Me Was Driving Under the Influence?

Drunk Driving is Negligence Per Se Under Texas Law There is nothing more dangerous on the road than a drunk driver. When a drunk driver hurts someone, clearly this is a negligent act warranting a lawsuit. But, in the eyes of Texas courts, it goes further than that; driving while intoxication rises to the level...

What Is a Third-Party Liability Car Accident Case?

Car accident cases are not always just the other driver's fault. Here's how these cases work: If you have been in a car accident another driver caused, then you probably already know that the other driver can be held legally responsible for your injuries. However, in some instances there are other parties who could be...

What Are Permissible Negligence Per Se Allegations in Texas?

An Overview of Negligence Per Se Arguments That Can Be Used in Texas Car Accident Cases In this article, we're going to discuss the various negligence per se arguments that can be used in Texas car accident cases. Now, before we get started, it's helpful if you first have an understanding of ordinary negligence allegations...