How Long Does it Take to Settle a Rollover Car Accident Case?
The question of how long a rollover accident case in Texas will take is not easily answered. The resolution of this question usually depends upon the specific facts of the case and no two cases are alike.
Still, if you've been injured or a loved one has been killed in a Dallas rollover accident, then we want to help you understand what you're in for. Thus, in this article, we will examine the factors that can affect the length of a rollover accident case.
Strength of your Case Means Everything
The resolution of a rollover accident case could take anywhere from a few months to a few years. Generally, the two factors that have the greatest impact on whether your case will be resolved quickly or drag on for years are the degree of harm done and the strength of your evidence against the negligent party.
If you only suffered a minor injury in a rollover accident, like a broken arm, then your insurance company or the insurance company of the negligent party who was to blame for the accident will likely just cut you a check for the medical bills, the damage to your car, and a percentage of your salary for any work you will have to miss while recovering. In a case like this, it may not be worth the while of the insurance company to fight the claim when they could end up paying more to lawyers than they would to you. In this event, the case will be resolved as quickly as the insurance paperwork can be processed.
Even in a case like this, though, you need a Texas rollover accident attorney by your side to make certain the insurance company is treating you fairly and compensating you equitably according to your injuries.
If someone you love has been killed or you suffer serious and expensive injuries in a rollover, then the value of the insurance policy is not likely to cover the immense financial harm that you've suffered as a result of the rollover. In that event, if you want to be fully compensated then you will have to file a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit against the liable party.
When you must sue to be compensated, the amount of time before the case is resolved depends upon the strength of your case. Any number of parties could cause a rollover accident - the car manufacturer, the maker of the tires, another driver, the state or city for having a poorly kept road, or the company that loaded cargo and didn't adequately fasten it (in an 18-wheeler rollover). In order to be able to hold the negligent party accountable, you will need proof that shows how he or she caused the vehicle to roll over.
For example, if you were riding in a car when it rolled over because the driver was exceeding the speed limit when he tried to make a turn, your attorney would need to conduct road tests with a similar model that establishes the car wouldn't have rolled over had the driver been going the speed limit.
In another example, Ford has had major problems over the past 12 years with its Ford Explorers rolling over. If you were in a Ford Explorer when it rolled over, then you will need to be able to show that you were driving at a reasonable speed when you made a turn and the vehicle rolled over. To make your case rock-solid and speed it along, it would help if you have video footage from the intersection that could be used to prove your speed. You could also cite tests conducted by the National Transportation Safety Board on the Explorer in which they expanded the wheel track of the SUV by just two inches and greatly reduced its tendency to roll over.
The stronger the evidence you gather against the liable party, the more likely he or she will be to settle out of court and end the expenditure of the lawsuit. On the other hand, the weaker your case and the more expensive the harm caused by the wreck, the more likely the liable party will be to fight and draw out resolution of your case.
The good news is that our Dallas Texas attorneys at Grossman Law Offices have been handling personal injury and wrongful death cases involving cars and trucks for more than two decades. We understand the importance of a timely investigation to find the necessary evidence in a rollover accident case, and we know how to aggressively negotiate to resolve a case with a fair settlement as quickly as possible.
If you want to stand an excellent chance of resolving your rollover accident case in a few months instead of a few years, then call us now for a free consultation at (855) 429-0981 (toll free).