According to Pew Research, just 7% of enlisted personnel have a bachelor’s degree, compared with 19% of all adults ages 18 to 44.

What this statistic suggests is that, once discharged, the average military veteran is at an educational disadvantage when they enter the workplace as a civilian.

At Grossman Law we want to do our part to help veterans pursue higher education after their service has concluded. It's the least we can do to give back to those who have served.

2021 Military Veterans Scholarship

  • Grossman Law will award two $2,500 scholarships
  • One scholarship will be awarded for the fall semester, and one for the spring semester
  • The application deadlines are July 15, and December 15
  • Winners will be announced by no later than August 15 and January 15


  • Applicants must be veterans of the US armed forces
  • Applicants must be enrolled in a college, trade school, or university as of the application deadlines
  • Applicants must provide personal information along with a statement (200 words or less) for what they hope to achieve through higher education

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