Topic: Bus Accidents
Here you'll find a collection of articles containing in-depth insights and quick answers to common questions about Bus Accidents.

How Do Lawsuits Against School Buses Work in Texas?
What does Texas law say about school bus accidents? The September 2015 Houston school bus tragedy, which claimed the lives of 2 students and injured 2 more, plus the bus driver, briefly catapulted the issue of school bus safety into the spotlight. The accident proved a stark reminder that school bus accidents do happen and...
Read MoreWho Is Liable for Injuries to Children Entering and Exiting Busses in Texas?
Who is liable if a child is injured while entering or exiting a bus? As with most things dealing with the law, the definitive answer is, it depends. Certainly, entering or exiting a bus poses dangers for children. Many have barely mastered walking and are asked to negotiate steps. In addition, often children have to...
Read MoreHow Does Party Bus Liability Work in Texas?
Texas injury law holds party buses accountable in certain circumstances. Party buses are a good idea in the way that they keep drunk people from driving, but many of these buses promote a level of lawlessness that can lead to injuries. The company that owns the party bus is not devoid of responsibility, irrespective of...
Read MoreWhat Are the Insurance Requirements For Commercial Buses?
What are the insurance coverage requirements for a bus? As you might expect, buses are required to carry more insurance than a passenger vehicle. The reason for this is because buses can inflict more harm on more people than a typical passenger car can. And while it is generally a good thing that buses are...
Read MoreWho Is Liable for Injuries Caused by Defective Buses?
Suing Bus Manufacturers for Defective and Dangerous Buses When most people think of the safety of buses, intuitively they assume that since buses are such large vehicles, they are also safe. The reality is that buses are constructed using primitive methods and outdated technology. The result is that buses are, in fact, not very safe...
Read MoreHow Do Lawsuits Against Nursing Home Buses Work in Texas?
Lawsuits Against Nursing Home Buses When handling nursing home passengers who may be medically or physically impaired, bus drivers must take extra precautions in ensuring that they execute and follow all proper procedures to ensure the safety of their passengers. Unfortunately, nursing homes don't take these responsibilities seriously enough, and can be careless with the...
Read MoreHow Do Lawsuits Against Airport Shuttle Buses Work?
Airport Shuttle Bus Liability Under Texas Law The lack of space for bountiful parking near airport terminals means that shuttle buses are crucial to the successful operation of even a moderately busy airport. These buses are designed to reduce terminal congestion and are generally provided by the airport or a subcontractor for the convenience of...
Read MoreCan I Sue if I’m Injured by a Hotel Shuttle Buses?
If you've been injured in an accident involving a hotel shuttle bus, here's what you need to know. For a lot folks who travel frequently, hotel shuttles are a great way to get from the airport to the hotel. At the same time, some even offer to drop people off at attractions or restaurants located...
Read MoreHow Do Lawsuits Against Amusement Park Shuttle Buses Work?
Experienced bus accident attorney Michael Grossman explains what happens if someone is injured by an amusement park shuttle bus. Bus accident cases don't work the same way a car accident claim works. In fact, when it comes to accidents involving amusement park shuttles, it might not be clear who is at fault or who can...
Read MoreHow Do Lawsuits Against City-Owned Buses Work in Texas?
How City Bus Accident Cases Work Under Texas Law More than 125,000 bus passengers take Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) buses everyday. In addition, those buses share the roads with countless drivers and come across an unknown number of pedestrians at crosswalks throughout Dallas. Given this proximity of buses, cars, and people, it is not...
Read MoreHow Do Commercial Bus Accident Cases Work?
How Cases Against Commercial Buses Work There's a wide variety of commercial buses that operate throughout Texas for many different purposes. But like any other vehicle on the road, there is a chance they could be involved in an accident. The effects of these accident can be devastating to passengers on the bus and to...
Read MoreHow Do Lawsuits Against Greyhound Bus Work?
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Read MoreHow Do Lawsuits Against Casino Buses Work?
Texas Law and Casino Bus Liability In north and east Texas, there exist several casino bus businesses whose job it is is to transport Texans across state lines so they can play in casinos in Louisiana and Oklahoma. Services such as these are meant to entice casino-goers who would like to gamble and drink, but...
Read MoreHow Do Lawsuits Against Charter Buses Work?
Texas Bus Accident Attorney Michael Grossman Explains How Charter Bus Liability Works Unlike the operators of city buses and school buses, charter bus operators can be held fully accountable under Texas law for their negligence. They are afforded no special protection, and the law imposes upon them the duty to exercise a reasonable degree of...
Read MoreHow Do Lawsuits Against Church Buses Work?
Church Bus Accidents Under Texas Law Many churches may utilize buses to transport their attendees to various activities, such as, church camp, mission trips, etc. Unfortunately, a situation may arise where the church bus was involved in an accident injuring you or possibly killing a loved one. When discussing bus accidents, it is important to...
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