Shaun R. was nearly killed when a commercial truck driver made an illegal U-turn and collided with him. Here’s the story of how he fought to overcome his devastating injuries – and rebuild a life that includes scuba diving and cycling in the Florida Keys – with help from Grossman Law.
Facts of the Case
Date & location
July 8 at the Intersection of Highways 45 and 50 in Pueblo, Colorado
What happened
Struck while on his motorcycle by a truck driver who made an illegal U-Turn because he was traveling the wrong direction on the highway.
Injuries Suffered
Fractured skull, eye socket, cheek bone, and jaw, back broken in nine places, shattered shoulder, knee, hips, ribs, and sternum, in addition to traumatic brain injury.
Settlement Amount
Final Settlement: Confidential Amount - Sean has been able to retire and focus on his health.
Shaun’s Story
Shaun R. was living in Colorado where he worked as a contractor, building high-end mountain homes. On July 8th, 2017 he was riding his motorcycle just outside of Pueblo when he was struck by a commercial truck driver who made an illegal U-turn at the intersection of Highway 50 and Highway 45.
I think was in the ICU for five weeks...
They came through an intersection on the wrong side of the highway and hit me on my motorcycle. So my injuries were quite extensive you know, fractured skull, eye socket, cheek, bone, jaw, teeth, neck, back broken nine places, shattered, shoulder, knee hips, ribs, sternum, my body pretty much, much. I think I was in the ICU for five weeks.
As is so common in collisions involving commercial trucks and motorcycles, Shaun’s injuries were both extensive and severe. In addition to the other injuries, Shaun also suffered a traumatic brain injury, and to this day suffers from memory loss.
In the aftermath of the collision, Shaun was obviously not capable of navigating the complexities of either the health care system or the legal system. He needed an advocate; someone to both ensure that he was able to get the extensive medical treatment he required, and the financial compensation he was entitled to.
Just over a month after the accident – in August – Grossman Law took on Shaun’s case and immediately got to work on his behalf.
I spent three and a half years undergoing surgeries every six to eight weeks. And they floated me for all that time.
I had an attorney prior to that who was doing nothing for me. And I was in a bad way. I was in a wheelchair, broken. I didn't have the mental capacity to do anything.
Grossman was able to line up and get me into physical therapy where I could get help getting mobile again. And I think I spent three and a half years there undergoing surgeries every six to eight weeks. And you know, they floated me for all that time.
As is always, the first concern of the team at Grossman Law was to get Shaun the medical treatment that he required to make the fullest possible recovery.
Without them, I don't know if I would have much in the way of a life.
I had to have reconstructive surgery on my nose, my jaw, my teeth, my eye socket. I had to work with the neuropsychotherapist to try and get some cognitive function back. I was in physical therapy three to four hours a day, five days a week, and without that, I don't know, would I be walking?
They got me a lot of help that I had to have. I didn't have any money to cover these types of things. You know? So they helped. Without them, I don't know if I would have much in the way of a life.
In addition to advocating for and working on Shaun’s behalf in dealing with the healthcare system, Grossman Law worked to make sure that the negligent driver would be held accountable for the severe injuries he caused, and that Shaun would receive fair and just compensation.
The biggest challenge was proving that the at-fault driver was indeed at fault. The defendant denied liability, arguing that their client was not at fault and that Shaun was speeding, which was the cause of the accident.
Grossman Law was able to disprove this claim and demonstrate clear liability by hiring experts to create a comprehensive digital reconstruction of the collision.
Mediation between the two sides began in November 2 years after the accident. Just a couple of weeks later, the two sides agreed to terms and Grossman Law was able to help Shaun secure a confidential settlement that has enabled him to retire to the Florida Keys and focus on his health.

They made it to where I've got a life without having to go to work.
I lost everything. I lost all my money. I lost all my work, my business. I had no home. I had no, I had nothing. And they floated me for pushing 4 years. I haven't had to work. And I'm living in the Florida keys as a scuba diver and I bicycle every day and I'm in physical therapy every day. They made it to where I've got a life without having to go to work and then figure out how to put a life together.
While the settlement money has helped allow Shaun to both find joy in and rebuild his life anew, what he says meant the most to him was having someone help him through the worst time of his life when no one else was there.
I don't have any friends or family to help me through it. “We’ll get you people”, and they did.
What Grossman did was they said, wow, you need help. And they made sure I had every specialist, not just for the case, but for me. I am a success story. You know, all my surgeries are a success story. My physical therapy, all the people I worked with the last several years I was put in touch with, through Grossman Law.
I'm bicycling 200 miles a week. I'm kayaking four to eight miles a day. I'm in a gym, you know, two to four hours every day. I'm rebuilding my body, you know? And I learned all this stuff through the contacts that they put me in touch with.
They didn't just get me some fly-by-night help. You know, they actually got me good help. and that's badass. That's all you could ask for. And that's a fantastic thing. Well, I don't have any money. I don't have any friends or family to help me through it. “We’ll get you people”, and they did. I mean that's pretty valuable right there.
Serious personal injury? Call Grossman Law 24/7 for a free consultation. We are here to help you recover.